Welcome to Lifespan Respite WA

Featured Resource: The Hope Fund: Critical Financial Assistance for Military and Veteran Caregivers

Not strictly for respite, the Hope Fund is for: “financial relief to all eras of military and veteran caregivers through grants that aim to put military families on the path to financial wellness. These grants provide high-impact financial assistance to prevent or address a significant crisis or to improve the quality of life of the caregiver family. This financial relief fills the gaps that other programs may not cover, such as medical bills, natural disaster assistance, transportation for appointments, or loss of income. Caregivers who would benefit from assistance are strongly encouraged to apply. Please do not suffer through hardship when help is available.” -from Hidden Heroes/Hope Fund

Other programs which help provide respite for military and veteran families (listed on the Hidden Heroes website)

Also check out: Want more control in your life as a family caregiver?

Lifespan Respite Coalition: Next Meeting April 23, 2024 11:00 AM

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